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Monday, August 23, 2010

Being Here Now

Be Here Now. That is today's mantra. It is not something you do, but it happens when you are simply able to be what you are.
Hiroshima Castle in the sunshine.

Through our relationship with our actions and thoughts, a tendency to develop attachment to outcomes can arise. Certain attachments can diminish our openness to much deeper processes, and our openness to life itself. Don't stifle the creative potential of your place in the natural unfolding of events. Commit to the process, to letting something greater than yourself move through you. Be a conduit, a vessel, and enable the process. The usual suspects for attachment are people and relationships, power, social positions, material objects; do not abandon these elements of your life because they are important and worthwhile. Know their limitations, know your own limitations, and you will not be bound to the current limits of your own imagination. That is freedom.

We have to free ourselves from the tendency to manipulate and control outcomes. If you are too busy doing that you may miss the momentary flash of true inspiration, and bypass extraordinary things that are, in all reality, completely possible. Live with uncertainty, because without that there is no real freedom.

By now I am sure you are wondering what the hell this blog is about. Me too. If you are open to the uncertainty you may enjoy reading it from time to time. My intention is write about travel, martial arts, meditation, show some photography, and tell a damn good story. Enjoy your journey.

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